
I am working on raising support for my year in Mexico, and I'd love your help!

1. I need people who are willing to pray for me throughout the year!  Pray that I will make all the necessary preparations, pray that I will adjust well to culture shock, pray that I can build meaningful relationships in my new community.  Basically, prayers for my well-being are greatly appreciated!

2. I am trying to build a network of people who can commit to staying in contact with me throughout the year.  Reading my blog is a first step, but I will also be sending out bi-monthly email newsletters as another way to share my stories and experiences.  As far as contact from your end, I would love to get emails, snail mail, and care packages throughout my year!  I know that spending a year in another country will be rough at times, and you will probably never know how much your notes and emails mean to me, so please communicate with me!

3. I also need to raise financial support for my year of service.  Now, I probably hate asking for money just as much as you hate being asked for money, but bear with me.  The entire program cost for the year is a little over $10,000.  The ELCA funds a large part of that, as part of their investment in future leaders.  However, I am responsible for raising $4,000 by August 1st, and I am inviting you to join in this journey with me!

A fun way for you support me is to commit to sponsoring me for one day.  It costs about $30 a day for me to be a YAGM volunteer, and you can pick the day you want to sponsor!  You can choose your birthday, your favorite holiday, an anniversary, or any other day.  I will try to send you a special thank you from Mexico on the day that you sponsor!

If you would like to financially support me, please do the following:

  1. Make checks payable to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  2. In the memo line write Kristen Lee - YAGM
  3. Mail to:
    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    PO Box 71764
    Chicago, IL 60694-1764